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Monday, July 30, 2012

10 Films Not To Watch After a Break-Up

We know how it is. When you break up with someone you suddenly find yourself with a lot of extra time on your hands, so it's natural to turn to the escapism of the movies to help fill some of those long, miserable hours.
But if you're keen to not let that big, black cloud of doom engulf you completely - you need to make some wise choices.
We run through the 10 worst possible films you could choose to flick on right now. You have been warned...

As the film's tag line rightly says, this is a story about love not a love story.
If you ever thought that loving someone and thinking they are completely brilliant and having loads in common with them is a recipe for happiness - this film will shatter that dream!
Sometimes that love of your life moves on, gets over you and lives happily ever after with someone else instead - not what you want to think about if you've just been dumped.

2.Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

One of the hardest things about a break up is having a head filled with someone who's no longer in your life. But what if you could erase all memories of them to save you the pain - would you do it? This is the premise of Eternal Sunshine and while it is truly a brilliant film in many ways, it's far too big a question to contemplate while you're still getting over someone.

3.Blue Valentine

MOVE AWAY FROM THE DVD! Guaranteed to make even the most loved-up couples feel depressed for weeks, Blue Valentine details the breakdown of a long-term relationship, by intertwining current-day arguments between the two main characters with a series of flashbacks from when they got together and were blissfully happy.
The message you take away is that you can never see it coming and even the most perfect relationships run their course eventually. Cheers for that!
Ryan Gosling's beautiful face is the only saving grace. Oh, and we'll begrudgigly admit that the acting's pretty good.

4.Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson, Rebecca Hall AND Javier Bardem in a Woody Allen film. Now we can see where the appeal is, we really can, but aside from the belting performances by all, you are left with a deep sense that everyone settles for second best in the end because with wrought passion and intense love, comes too much stress.
There is a chance that this film might make you feel good about being rid of your ex, if he was a 'settler', but there's also a chance it won't. Don't risk it!

5.The Break-Up

As films about break-ups go, this one is pretty funny.
Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston play the roles of a just-separated couple brilliantly but the truth is there is an underlying theme of sadness running throughout - one that you will definitely hone in on if you're feeling a little blue yourself.
Another 'keep for later' movie.

6.The Notebook

Ryan Gosling again... so there's a plus, but The Notebook is a tear fest even when you're not feeling particularly teary. Steer clear.

7.Notting Hill

Hugh 'bumbling-but-charming Englishman' Grant and Julia 'how-perfect-is-my-smile' Roberts.
You might feel all warm inside at the happy Richard Curtis ending to Notting Hill, or it could make you reach for yet another tub of Ben and Jerry's.
We suspect the latter might be more likely.

8.Love Actually

The festive tear-jerker has enough feel-good elements to make you think it might just be a good idea, but trust us. It's not.
Wrap it up and give it to someone else for Christmas.

9.Last night

If there was any kind of infidelity involved in the break-down of your relationship, Last Night, starring Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes, is not the film for you.
Gritty, real and with an ending that leaves you feeling rather empty - why do it, ladies?

10.Revolutionary Road

Does a bit of a weep at Titanic always make you feel better? Well, Leo and Kate in another movie's got to be a winner, right? Err... no, 'fraid not.
Revolutionary Road is a bleak and honest film about suburban married life in the 1950s. If you're looking to feel better and positive about the future, we're afraid to say this is not the movie to help get you there.