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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Top Dangerous Cities In The World

The world is a sweet place to live and enjoy your life so long as you have the chance to live.
Here come some cities in the world where you cannot live freely and enjoy your well-being because they are dangerous due to certain reasons which we did research, analysed and decided to share with you.


Mogadishu, Somalia
Until recently, Somalia’s capital Mogadishu was undisputedly the world’s most dangerous city. The UN and embassies had pulled out in the 1990s,
following the collapse of the last fully functioning government in 1991. Al Qaeda linked militants held sway over much of the city from 2007 until
last August when African Union fighters pushed out al-Shabab, ending the daily grind of war.But up to now there are no recent solutions to curb this,
Mogadishu is one of the places in the world where even the presidents resident can be attacked anytime by the militia men.


Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Mexico is a drug haven and the city of Ciudad Juarez is its unofficial capital. Drug traffickers are notoriously violent and do pretty much whatever they want.
With police mostly corrupt, Ciudad Juarez is known as one of the most violent places in the world outside of war zones. It has been reported to be one of the places in the world where
Drug trafficking is high and therefore has a high crime rate

Sana'a Yemen.
Especially its capital Sana’a, is extremely unstable following last year’s uprising against former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.
With al Qaeda`s Yemeni wing and local affiliates having established presence in the region, there has been a string of assassinations of
security officials. The US and its Gulf allies brokered a power transfer that replaced Saleh with his deputy, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.
He launched a US-backed offensive on Islamists in the south, but situation is still far from normal.

Peshawar Pakistan.
The city of Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places in the world. With warlords and tribes fighting for supremacy,
the city is very unsafe, especially for foreigners. Suicide bombings and targeted attack on security forces being the norm,
Peshawar residents have been on the roads daily with strikes and hence no peace has been witnessed in the city.

Caracas Venezuela.
Venezuela is one of the most violent countries in the world. It does not take a half an hour before
someone is murdered in the cold blood.Class tension has long been a part of life in the South American country, where armed
robberies, carjackings and kidnappings are frequent.This has made dwellers of the city be more vulnerable and unasafe in their own country


Nairobi Kenya.
There is a high rate of crime in all regions of Kenya, particularly in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu,
and coastal beach resorts. There are regular reports of attacks against tourists by groups of armed assailants.
However, the most common crime in Kenya is carjacking so the criminal can
commit an armed robbery. "Snatch and run" crimes are becoming more common on city streets.
The Al shaabab militia group has also made the city unsafe due to constant attacks on people by explosions killing
thousands monthly.

cape town gen

Cape town South Africa.
One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Cape town suffers high crime rate
and it is very unsafe at night especially for women, this Crime is a prominent issue in South Africa.
South Africa has a very high rate of murders, assaults, rapes (adult, child and infant),
and this makes it very unsafe for people.


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