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Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Tips On How To Stay Happy Living The Single Life.

Being single at any age can be challenging in a world that seems to place so much importance on finding the lov3 of your life and becoming a coupl3. The whole world seems to be geared up to support you in this quest. There is very little support given to those who are consciously choosing to be spending time alone, learning to enjoy their own company and the creativity it sparks. There is almost a sense of failure or that there is something wrong with un- partnered people which is really quite ridiculous, especially since more and more people are realizing that the partnerships they formed early in life, have failed to pass the tests of time and they themselves are now living the single life.

Here are a few TIPS to live A happy life while single.

Your singledom will not last a lifetime. Well it will if it is meant to but this is a very rare karma. The worst thing you can do is panic and think you have to find someone immediately or your life is over. This air of desperation is by far the most debilitating energy to bring into a new r3lationship with yourself or with anyone new for that matter. It makes you blind to obvious red flags and puts you in all kinds of compromising situations.

2.Stay clean.
Forget about coming home or staying home plastered, stoned or disconnected - not a good recipe for a successful r3lationship with yourself or anyone else for that matter. No sorry folks this is a sobering experience but trust me it will start to grow on you if you just give it a chance. Why not take this time alone to get the help and support you need to beat your addictions once and for all. If you can't do it for yourself - you won't do it for anyone else.

3. Give yourself a chance -
Being happy alone does not happen overnight especially if you are a recovering codep3ndent.There will be times that you feel you are invisible, no one will ever lov3 you, you are wasting your life, your life is passing you by... and a whole lot of other negative self talk. Best thing to do - take yourself for a walk or even better on a date. Learn how to cheer yourself up. The better you get at being alone, the better you will be at being in r3lationship

4. Study something new.
Wow what a perfect time in your life to go to night school or study online or completely change career tracks. Figure out what you are passionate about and go for it. There is no one to hold you back but yourself. Not sure what you are passionate about - spend more time alone - it will come to you. Give yourself a chance to listen to your inner voice.

5. Exercise.
What a great way to get to know yourself again - start with reconnecting with your body. Its the only one you have this lifetime and we often look after our cars ( which we can trade in) better than our bodies. Singledom is the perfect time to get yourself in shape and the endorphins released when you work out keep your spirits flying high. Why not pick up an old team sport you used to play in high school - great way to socialize and stay in shape.


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