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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ways to get to know your spouse better

Your husband: Is he your best friend, your soulmate, your partner for life. But sometimes, you look at him and think, "Who is this guy?!" Here are seven activities to help you and your hubby reconnect and reignite your friendship as you know him in and out.

1.Dream share
On separate pieces of paper, write down five top 10 life dreams independently. Once you have completed your lists, see if you can guess the other's dreams. You might be surprised to find out that you never knew your husband wanted to learn Japanese or have another child.

2. S'ex cleanse
While s'ex can be a fabulous way to bring a coupl3 closer together, not having s'ex can be, too! A deliberate s'ex fast can show you what your r3lationship looks like without physical intim@cy, meaning it has to rely on emotional, mental and spiritiual intim@cy. Don't worry: You can see all that you need to see in just a couple of weeks. And when I say "no s'ex," it doesn't mean you can't engage in other fun stuff.

3. Take up an interest together
Find a new hobby that neither one of you has ever explored but in which you share a mutual interest. This could be something you engage in together, such as an intramural sports team, a book club or a cooking class, or something you try out on your own, such as amateur photography or furniture refinishing. Experiencing something new together will allow you to see each in a fresh way as well as give you two something that is uniquely yours amid the hustle and bustle of life that can pull in you opposite directions.

4. Engage in each other's interests
Friendship relies on commonalities. And while it is certainly healthy to have independent pursuits, it is important to be interested in each other's passions. Become knowledgeable on your hon3y's favorite pastime, be it fine wines or football, so that he not only feels comfortable sharing this lov3 with you, but that you also can feed his energy when he does.

5. Play a trivia game
On index cards, each of you creates 25 trivia questions about yourselves. Topics might include favorite song, least favorite relative, biggest pet peeve, biggest turn on, blood type, etc. Write the question on the front and the answer on the back. Then, play the game as usual using points, candy, cash or whatever other fun currency you desire. The one with the most correct answers is off the hook for a week of dishes.


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